Just a little life update combined with a year retrospective. I know I've been less consistent about writing here, but I hope you'll forgive me when you see the big changes our family went through in 2021!
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel stood on the border of the Promised Land. The previous generation had given in to fear at this same place and been sent to wander & die in the wilderness. Now, they were faced with the same task. Moses hands over the mantle of leadership to Joshua, encouraging him with these words. "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:8) This phrase is used a couple other times before this in reference to God going before His people to prepare their inheritance. (Also sounds like what Jesus promised in the New Testament, doesn't it?)
Even before we bought our first home in 2013, God was going before us and led us to pick a foreclosure despite its flaws & difficulties.
Even before Tyler lost a job, God led him to teach himself programming which led to this new job 4 years later.
Even before we offered more for the house in NH in order to get accepted, He prepared the appraisal to come in low to save us from over paying.
Even before the housing market looked disheartening, God prepared this family to be ready to move & sell the home they had built, putting it on the market at the exact right time.
Even before it looked like we'd be homeless, God moved Tyler's cousin & his family to a church in NH that would provide a roof over our heads for 6 weeks.
God has shown Himself so faithful & caring throughout this change that we can't help but praise Him!
We've changed jobs, states, houses, doctors, dentists, grocery stores. But the most difficult for me has been changing churches. Don't get me wrong, I really am glad to be at this new church, but this change has been hardest.
I mean think about it - you are joined to a group of people, members of the same body for years. You get to know them & they get to know you. You serve & worship alongside each other. They make you food when you have babies. You hold their babies. You pray together. They study God's Word with you. You watch the Super Bowl & the World Cup together. You vacation together. They encourage you to grow in the Gospel. You watch their kids grow up from preteen to married. You get coffee together. You play games & share meals. You rejoice when they rejoice & weep when they weep. They're in your life & you're in theirs.
And then, you move away.
You join a new church.
No one knows you & you don't know them.
It takes time to form those close, meaningful relationships. It takes time for people to reach out. I know that - I'm one of those people.
So, we're reaching out. We're slowly inviting people over for dinners & on outings with our family. I know God will provide the community we need as we continue to obediently step out in faith.
Change is hard and God is still good. I'm trying to be OK with the tension that exists between those 2 truths.
Thanks for helping me look back over the year. It's got me a little teary thinking about our church family in Maryland & grows the longing in my heart to connect with God's people. I'm re-energized to be the person who reaches out.
Will you do something for me? Please pray with me that I'd be eager to reach out & let people into my life. Also, my momma's heart is longing for my kids to find their own little communities. They have a great start, but I am praying for them to have good friends. I really appreciate it!
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