{I'm updating this post - making sure links are still working & also adding some new finds! Enjoy some early holiday cheer!}
Christmas catalogs have started arriving already! I don't know about you, but I have not bought a single present this year. So, I am shopping right alongside you today. And I'm excited to share some of the shops I've found through the years.
Every year, I struggle between wanting to get my kids the coolest toys & wanting to give them gifts that will actually last & hold their value. With 4 kids, our house is overrun with toys - many of which they don't even play with on a daily basis. I've also been on a kick of minimizing the amount of stuff we own. So, I'm trying to think of gifts that I can give them that are less materialistic, more meaningful. Less commercial, more creative.
These shops are faith-based, small businesses. We know how hard small businesses have been hit this year, so let's do what we can to help them out!
So, let's shop!
I recently started an affiliate account with New Growth because they have such a wonderful variety of Gospel-centered resources for your family! I think you will find so many great books here. I'll share a few that we either own or are planning to buy for ourselves!
You might have heard of Tiny Theologians. They are a great shop full of resources to help you teach your child about our faith.
A few of my favorites are:
This Etsy shop is filled with the cutest little sensory, play dough kits. They come with everything you need to teach a Bible story or concept to your little one through play. And we've all heard over & over how children learn so well through playing! I just love this idea & am thinking of getting one of these for my 3-year-old, but I'm sure everyone will want to join in. Bonus that this shop was started & is run by a Mom like many of us.
Here are the ones I'm trying to decide between:
This shop has those washable placemats that are so fun to have around for little ones. They also have a few tees, too!
What I'm looking at for my kids:
This company has some of the most beautifully-designed items around! They have Advent resources, Scripture memory cards, stickers, magnets, & so much more. I might have a hard time narrowing down which of these is my favorite, but I'll try.
Lots of good ones here, including the "Tales the Tell the Truth" series. I'd encourage you to skip Amazon & go straight to these smaller Christian book sellers. This shop in particular has some really great ones. Here are some favorites in our house.
[These links are affiliate links.] Christian book has lots of items that make wonderful gifts for your family. Bibles & toys & picture books & craft supplies. Lots of sales are always happening, so you're bound to find a good price, too!
I hope you found some good ideas today for the little ones you'll be buying for this year - nieces & nephews, kids & grandkids!
Are you looking for more non-toy gift ideas? Take a look at this blog post!
Make sure you pin this post for ideas for future holidays & birthdays. And follow me on Pinterest for more ideas that I find over the next few weeks!
Here's the board I've created for Christmas gift ideas:
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