My Anglophile ways go way back.
I was 10 years old when Princess Diana died. I remember reading every newspaper article about the crash & this real-life Princess whose life was cut so tragically short. The pictures of her sons walking behind her coffin were heartbreaking.
Fast forward to high school & the dreaded British Literature class. I ended up loving it! Well, except for Beowulf. But who can blame me?! We got to learn about this long history of literature that dated back before the Norman invasion, before the Viking Raids, even before the Romans built walls & aqueducts there.
Then, in college, I took 2 semesters of Brit Lit & also 2 semesters of British History. Dr. Hayner was one of my favorite professors! She knew all of the material so well that it felt like storytime. Her class was difficult, but that hard work was fun because I enjoyed it so much.
OK - now that you remember what a nerd I am, how about we talk about the CORONATION of KING CHARLES III?
"Elaine," you say. "These monarchies need to go the way of history. They're just figureheads putting on a show. And that show costs a lot of taxpayer money. Besides, you're not British!"
While the British monarchy remains one of the most respected institutions in the world, its long history hasn't been without many ups & downs. Civil war, uprisings, beheading, & abdication. All have marked its path to this point. And that's not to mention the tragedy of Princess Diana's death that brought a new wave of criticism to how she was treated by her ex-husband & his family. Or the even more recent accusations brought against the current Duke of York.
In my humble opinion, here's why I'm excited to watch:
It's a grandiose ceremony with lots of symbolism & tradition. It will include items that have been passed from one generation to another. This coronation will be smaller than that of Elizabeth II, but it will still be a grand & solemn occasion.
First, a large procession will bring King & Queen from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. When Elizabeth II was crowned, her procession involved 16,000 participants. King Charles is known for his thriftiness (if a member of the royal family can be called thrifty?) & his plans to slim down the monarchy, so we can be sure that his procession won't be quite that large! It will still be grand & include those fancy carriages that only get used at coronations & other such special occasions.
Next, they will arrive at the Abbey where the ceremony will take place. Westminster has been the site of so much royal history. Coronations have taken place there all the way back to William the Conqueror's coronation on Christmas Day in 1066.
Here are a few elements of the coronation to pay close attention to:
Now that we know a few things about the actual coronation, let's throw a little party to celebrate the event!
If you're planning to watch it live, make sure you set your alarm! My preference is to watch the BBC broadcast of royal events. They're usually kind enough to livestream on YouTube. I'm not saying that American journalists won't do all the necessary research to know what they're talking about. There's just something that's lost when you're watching an American broadcast versus a British one.
I know you'll be up super early, so you might just survive with a strong cup of coffee (or tea, if you want to get a little more into the spirit of things). But let's make it a little more special!
What's a fancy breakfast without a quiche? While Their Majesties were gracious enough to share a "Coronation Quiche" recipe, I haven't the foggiest clue what a broad bean is. For a recipe with slightly more familiar ingredients, check out this one from my friend Sam!
Next we need scones! These ones are my FAVORITE! Sharp cheddar, salty bacon, savory leeks. They are delicious! I use any excuse to make them. Royal baby born? These scones. Royal wedding? These scones. Anything Downton Abbey? These scones. I'm thinking of growing leeks in my yard so that I can make them whenever I have the craving...
If you need something sweet to balance out all of those savory treats, try this delicious blueberry coffee cake.
There are sure to be moments in this ceremony that might drag a little. If your kids happen to sneak out of bed to watch with you, or if you want some options for decorations you can make in advance, you can take a look at my Pinterest board. Because you know I have a Pinterest Board for this - ha!
Some of my favorites:
Coronation festivities will be going on all weekend. Along with a concert, there will also be:
So, are you ready for your coronation party? I hope so! I know that I'm excited to be able to witness this moment in history.
Let me know if you find any other fun ideas!
Cheering you on!
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