Easter might just be my favorite holiday.
I love a cute Easter bunny just like most of America. I like to shop around for special outfits for my kids to wear to church. I enjoy filling plastic eggs with candy & hiding them for my kids to find. And don't even get me started on Reese's Eggs.
But as a Christian, I know that these things are just part of the celebration. They're not the reason for the celebration.
When Jesus walked this earth, He wasn't just here to hold babies, heal lepers, & walk on water. He wasn't just here as a wise, moral teacher.
He was God with us here to seek & to save the lost. He was here to lay down His life for the sins of the world.
And then...
If that's not a reason to celebrate, I don't know what is! Jesus conquered sin & death!
(I'll stop shouting now, but that's bringing out cheerleader Elaine for sure!)
Isn't it great to remind ourselves of the Gospel story? Over & over & over again? We need the good news of Jesus's finished work on the cross everyday. The depths of the riches never get old & we never reach the end of the grace we find there.
So, let's find some gifts that will help point our kids & grandkids & nieces & nephews to these truths, too.
This Etsy shop will ship you a complete kit to start your own resurrection garden. This could be a lot of fun to help with the anticipation of the Easter holidays. You'd better order soon so the seeds have time to grow!
Another Etsy shop - this one has great reviews. I really love this cute Easter puzzle you see below, but this shop is sure to become a favorite source for gifts!
Owned & operated by a mom, you can check this site for t-shirts & Silicone placemats & plenty of fun freebies. They even have a special Easter Collection, so take a look!
This is another company founded by a woman, Amy Gannett, & she is such a helpful resource when it comes to discipling little ones. The Easter items alone are great, but she also has lots of other goodies that will help as you work to help your kids understand some if those big theological concepts.
This is one of my favorite Christian publishing companies. They have printed some of the best Children's books for kids in recent years - the Tales that Tell the Truth series, Melissa Kruger's Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know, & so many others that our family reads often. Check their children's Easter resources (yes! there are freebies!) & I'm sure you'll find quite a few ideas for the little people in your life!
The shop started as a fundraiser for the founder's family to adopt a child & now they use some of the profits to donate to others who wish to adopt. Dear Mushka has such beautiful products - jewelry & home goods. They also have items for kids. These sticker packs would make a great Easter gift!
This is a great company that is constantly producing wonderful products that build you up spiritually. I know I've bought many things from them over the years, & my wish list always grows. Their lent resources are available - for adults & kids, alike! Use code SUNSHINEDAYSBLOG to get 10% off your order!
Soooo many good books are being written for kids these days from a Biblical worldview! Here are a few older & newer ones that should definitely be considered as possible gift ideas.
The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul
The Garden, the Curtain, & the Cross by Carl Laferton
Holy Week: An Emotions Primer by Danielle Hitchen
The Friends and the Traveller by Sam Brewster
The Topsy Turvy King by Alison Brewister
The King and the Dragon by James Shrimpton
I'm also pinning away over on Pinterest, if you want to follow me for more ideas!
Cheering you on!
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