Gallery walls had their heyday a few years back. They were all about perfection & balance & straight lines. Stores were even selling gallery wall kits, complete with templates to ease the stress involved with hanging that many frames so close together. I was beginning to think gallery walls were on their way out, but nope!
Gallery walls are coming back in a much more elegant, collected, personalized way.
I mean just take a look at these ones--
I just love how these walls tell a story. They're layered, not from a box or a kit. They're unique just like the people living in the home.
So, in light of the fact that gallery walls are definitely alive & well, I just want to share a few of my pieces that might just be perfect for that wall in you house that is screaming for a gallery wall!
Any of the simple, single-word pieces are great to use as accents in your gallery wall.
If you've had the opportunity to travel & want to display a collection of your favorite photographs, this print would be a perfect addition!
I picture this one surrounded by pictures from a wedding or family portraits.
Gallery walls can also tell the story of your faith! What a great way to start a conversation with a Bible verse like this one.
Maybe you would prefer some lyrics from your favorite worship songs. Here's one from the song "Jesus, Thank You."
Gallery walls don't need to stay in the main living spaces, you can add some in your kids' rooms, too!
I think these two prints are so great for playrooms or kids' bedrooms. First, this lyric from the song that started the whole sunshine thing for me!
And this one that is a great reminder for all of us, but especially our precious little ones.
Hope you found some great ideas to add to your home! I'd be honored to know that something I made was hanging on your wall, so please tag me if you post on Instagram!
There are so many other prints in my shop, so take a look!
Cheering you on!
And here's my Pinterest board just in case you need more inspiration!
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