Before graduation season is in full swing, maybe you want to add a little something to the cash you’ll be sending to those graduates in your life (because we all know that’s happening). These prints are a wonderful way to personalize your congratulations for the graduate.
This piece was originally a custom order for a lady who gave it to her sister. I think it’s a beautiful reminder of God’s direction in our lives and would be so reassuring to those starting out on their own.
For those graduates who are open to the new adventures that life will bring, this piece is perfect.
I love the groovy style of this piece inspired by the song sung by Mama Cass Elliot (and featured in that episode of LOST where they introduce Desmond – sorry rabbit trail).
Here’s a good one for that free-spirited graduate with big dreams.
This sweet lyric from “Edelweiss” (Sound of Music anyone?) is a simple wish for the graduate.
And one last bit of life advice that could be a wonderful graduation gift!
Hand-lettered prints make a charming gift for almost any occasion. They’re especially great for new beginnings – new homes, new babies, new job. The list could go on & on! Hope you found this list helpful as you shop for those graduates starting out on a new journey.
And if you want to order a custom print for someone, just ask! I’ll be happy to help!
Cheering you on!
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