
Resources for a Gospel-Centered Approach to Body Image

You don't have to be over 40 to be targeted with Botox ads anymore. You don't have to be overweight to be inundated with messaging about getting ready for your swimsuit season. You don't have to be a few months old before a lady at church might warn your mom about how those baby fat cells are permanent. (True story - said in reference to the precious baby girl in my arms at church!)

Corporations benefit from our obsession with aging & weight loss, so they push their agendas wherever they can.

Our old enemy benefits, too.

I'm not saying that these things are inherently sinful. You should want to keep your body at a place where it's healthy & functioning well! Eating nutritious food, exercising, going to your annual check-up, taking recommended supplements. All of these are what your body needs. And taking care of this body God gave us is good & right & honorable!

What I am saying is that when he (the enemy) can get us fixated on these things as avenues to save us & give us value, then he's winning.

He whispers lies about who we are & makes us forget what our Creator says about us. He points out flaws & makes those our focus over the good body we've been given to steward.

I've struggled with wanting to have a healthy relationship with food & exercise & body image & aging & all of it. Over the years, I've come across a handful of resources that I'd love to share below.

But before we get there, if you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, please call the ANAD Eating Disorders helpline at 1-888-375-7767 or visit their website at for resources. Reach out to trusted friends or mentors. You don't have to struggle alone. You are a precious human being who deserves help & healing.

Gospel-Centered Body Image Book Resources

Beautiful Freedom: How the Bible Shapes Your View of Appearance, Food, and Fitness by Stacy Reaoch

I just read this book & it was a great starting point. It's short, so it's a quick read for someone who just wants to be pointed in the right direction. The author encourages us to look at our bodies & food as good gifts from God that we can steward & celebrate.

Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim what God has Named Good by Jess Connolly

Another really great book with such a wonderful approach to how we view our bodies. This book also takes into account the limitations that our bodies might have due to sickness, something that I'm wanting to keep in mind for my family members. If we start with the idea that our bodies are good, we will start to treat them differently. And Jess is such a joyful person that her energy shines through in her writing.

I'll Start Again Monday: Breaking the Cycle of Unhealthy Eating Habits with Lasting Spiritual Satisfaction by Lysa TerKeurst

I read this one when it came out, so it's been a little while. However, it does offer some really great perspective on where our satisfaction should be coming from. Shifting our mindset from food (or any other temporal thing) to Christ is something we are constantly needing to remember. Lysa does a great job of practically walking through what that looks like.

Other Gospel-Centered Body Image Resources

I already mentioned her book above, but Jess Connolly is such a great person to follow on Instagram for her positive reminders that God has made your body good

I haven't had a chance to listen to all of these podcast episodes, but the reviews are all positive. I hope she plans to make more because this is a topic worth studying out.

I just found this one, so forgive me if you come across anything off. But I'm glad to see that more Christian ladies are taking this topic on!

One more thing I found was Rachel Gilbert's website. She has quite a few resources to help people shake off the shame & insecurity that easily makes us take our focus off of Christ.

I'm also working on this playlist, adding some encouraging songs that have been lifting my gaze recently. Do you have any to add? Please tell me!

If you have other resources that you have found helpful, please share below so that others can be encouraged.

For many of us, this could be a constant struggle. For others, it could be a place we're about to see great victory!

Take a minute to pray for the ladies that you know & love. And find ways to encourage them this week.

Cheering you on!


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