It seems like EVERYONE has a podcast these days. From celebrities to CEOs, the podcast trend is just booming. And with so many people stuck at home these past few months, new podcasts just kept popping up! There are over 1 million podcasts out there. That's a lot of people doing a lot of talking!
But instead of letting that number overwhelm us, let's allow it to encourage us that there are plenty of choices. And those choices include plenty of options for us as Christian women looking to grow our faith.
For years, I resisted the podcast trend. My reasons were (1) I'm too busy to sit through a whole 45 minute podcast & (2) I'm not a very good auditory learner. My mind wanders too easily when there is no visual to keep me focused (yes, even sermons!). I would read blog articles or skim through Instagram posts. But anytime a podcast was suggested to me, I'd put it off. Eventually, there were so many podcast options that it was overwhelming to know where to start! I mean, there are true crime podcasts, podcasts for homeschool moms, podcasts for kids, podcasts about small businesses... The list goes on & on.
I finally picked a podcast & just started listening. And that just opened a whole new world of spiritual encouragement for me. I started seeing podcasts as a great way to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus during the mundane tasks of my day.
I started seeing podcasts as a great way to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus during the mundane tasks of my day.
Some are short enough that I can listen while I'm cleaning or washing dishes or cooking dinner. Others I have to spread throughout the day. But I've found that I have started to feel like I'm wasting time when I don't have a podcast (or an audiobook) in my ear when I'm doing one of these tasks now! Now, there are definitely days when I need the silence & not one more voice speaking over my thoughts. Sometimes, I need the quiet time to organize & evaluate the thoughts that are bouncing around in my brain. Or just to listen for that still, small voice that is the Holy Spirit shedding light on something I read or a situation that I'm struggling with. But, one of the extra blessings of living in this time is that we have access to these podcasts from people who love the Lord & want to serve Him by helping you grow in your walk with Him.
I have to say that once I started gathering these resources, I was quickly overwhelmed with the sheer number of podcasts that are available just in this space alone! Some of these are ones that I've personally listened to multiple episodes. But many of them are ones that have been suggested to me over this past week when I asked for suggestions on Instagram. And there are new ones starting ALL THE TIME! I am sure that I'm missing some really good ones, so please leave any suggestions in the comments!
Some of these are made specifically for women. But some aren't. Some are aimed at moms, but most aren't. Some are long; some are short. (I gave you an idea of the running time at the end of each little blurb.) And most are available on any of the podcast apps (Spotify, etc).
I hope you'll find something encouraging & nourishing for your spiritual walk.
Made for This with Jennie Allen: Jennie is the founder of If: Gathering. Recently, her podcasts have focused more on parenting, but the previous "seasons" have been so practical with topics like healthy relationships, Biblical friendships, setting boundaries, doing life with a small group from church, and a whole series on emotions! Jennie's books are also so helpful. She is a powerful & refreshing voice that is committed to pointing women to Christ. (some bonus episodes are around 15 minutes; regular episodes are 25-30 minutes)
Journeywomen with Hunter Beless: If you're looking for practical lessons that are deeply rooted in Scripture, this is the podcast for you. Hunter & her team also does a phenomenal job of making her show notes very helpful with Bible references, memorable quotes, & discussion questions. (40-60 minutes)
That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs: Annie is delightful - funny, joyful, welcoming. A friend of mine suggested this one to me & I'm so glad she did! I listened to the interview with Karen Swallow Prior & if you're a bug English Literature nerd like I am, you won't want to miss it! (special episodes are about 30 minutes, but the regular interviews are around an hour)
Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey: I've followed Jamie Ivey for a while on Instagram, but I haven't actually listened to an entire one of her episodes. I think I start them & then get distracted with other things & never get around to finishing them. She is a very sunny, positive person who attracts guests from all walks of life to sit down for a chat with her. (about an hour)
Work and Play with Nancy Ray: This one was recommended by my friend Sam (she shared some lessons last week in this post). I'd never heard of it, but I am now a fan. Nancy asks some really great questions & is very insightful. And her topics range from organization to Mama Hacks. (some shorter ones at 20 minutes; longer ones around an hour)
Next Right Thing with Emily P Freeman: Small, bite-sized episodes - just a perfect little bit of encouragement while you fold that laundry or put on your make-up! She's a writer & has a beautiful way with words. She has so many practical topics that I'm sure you'll find something that points you in the right direction. (15-20 minutes)
Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth: Nancy has been encouraging women in God's Word for a long time. She has such a dedicated call to pointing women to the Bible. I haven't had a chance to listen to her podcast, but I'm sure it is rich & nourishing. (25-30 minutes)
Be the Bridge with Latasha Morrison: Latasha Morrison is the founder of Be the Bridge Ministries, an organization that is dedicated to racial reconciliation. Well, I'm super excited that she just announced that she will be launching her own podcast. If you're like me, you've been doing A LOT of learning during these past few weeks on topics of race, justice, & equality. Here is an ongoing resource for those of us who are eager to learn about these topics, especially from a Gospel perspective.
Front Porch with the Fitzes: Elyse Fitzpatrick has been writing great books for women for years. And here she sits down with 2 of her kids Jessica & Joel. They discuss family life, church life, & life in our culture. Getting to be a fly on the wall as they joke around & rib each other is just so fun. (45-60 minutes)
Pray the Word with David Platt: If you only have a few minutes, here's a really good one. David Platt shares a passage of Scripture & offered a short meditation on it. (5-7 minutes)
Rootlike Faith with Patrick & Ruth Schwenk: I haven't listened to this one because it's fairly new, but I've followed Ruth for a while. Some friends & I are going through her book Better Mom & I know how encouraging that has been to us. I'm sure this one is probably full of really great discussions! (20-35 minutes)
Foundations with Troy & Ruth Simons: Ruth is an artist & author that I've followed on Instagram. She & her husband wrote a book called Foundations & then started this podcast to flesh out the discussions that are started in their book. It's all about the Biblical ideas that have shaped the way they are discipling their family of 6 boys. (20-35 minutes)
Risen Motherhood with Laura Wifler & Emily Jensen: Risen Motherhood has been one of the go-to places I look for encouragement in how I'm loving & teaching my kids. They have been such a helpful resource for so many women looking to do better at centering their mothering on the Gospel. (most are around 20-30 minutes, but they have a few longer ones)
Fierce Marriage with Selena & Ryan Frederick: Tyler & I try to listen to one of these episodes every week. It gives us a little topic of discussion as we seek to build & grow our marriage. It's definitely not the only marriage podcast out there, but it's been a good one for us. (usually about 45 minutes)
There are plenty more & I look forward to hearing your suggestions. I hope you find something that sounds like a good fit for you!
Even if you're not a huge podcast fan, I encourage you to give it a try! I'll admit that there are weeks that go by & I don't listen to a single podcast. Sometimes life happens or I'm listening to an audiobook during my usual podcast times. But I still highly recommend listening to Gospel-centered podcasts whenever you get the chance. They can really be a great source of sunshine for your soul as you go about your day.
Maybe on your next commute or the next time you're scrubbing a toilet (that's prime podcast time for me!) you can have one picked out & ready to listen to!
Cheering you on!
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