
How Do I Start Homeschooling?

You've weighed the options. You've prayed about it. You & your husband have made the decision to take a different path for your children's education.

Welcome! I remember feeling quite overwhelmed at the legal requirements, the curriculum choices, the Instagram pages of perfectly-curated pictures.

Luckily, I had friends who were seasoned homeschoolers willing to answer questions, offer resources their kids had outgrown, & cheer me on. Not that it was easy to get started! I was starting with just one kid & he was in kindergarten. But I also had a precocious toddler & a brand new baby. So that added a bit of difficulty for sure!

Just in case you are not lucky enough to have a trusted friend who has experience with homeschooling, here's a little look at some of the first steps you can take to start your own home education journey.

How to Start Homeschooling

Step 1: Check you state laws.

Some states are more easy to homeschool in than others. Some states require a letter of intent or another formal withdrawal from the school system. Here in NH, I only have to submit that once per child. I can choose to submit it to the local school district or to a participating agency. There is usually a record keeping component of homeschooling law. If you're not sure what your state requires, you can visit the Homeschool Legal Defense website.

Step 2: Read a book (or 2) about homeschooling.

While you might have done some reading before you made the decision to homeschool, so many great homeschooling books exist that I think would be helpful to read another one (or 2) before you start making curriculum choices. It's helpful to get at least a couple different perspectives before you make your choices.

It's also important to make this a habit. If you have a curiosity about life & a love of learning, you are bound to have more eager students in your children. You are not just teaching them, you are learning as they learn! The homeschool moms I've met over the years who have the most success are the ones who are lifelong learners themselves.

Here are some that I've read that I think are worth passing along to you. This list is not exhaustive, but I will try to add to this list as I read!

Step 3: Research Curriculum

After you know what your state requires & have an idea of what you want your homeschool to look like, now you can get to curriculum. By getting those first 2 steps done, you have (hopefully) narrowed down the hundreds of choices to something more manageable. There are so many options, but I think I'd probably recommend proceeding this way:

  1. Set a budget. While it is often a more cost-effective option, homeschooling isn't free. There are lots of free resources, but you still need school supplies--from pencils to laptops to books to paper. You also need to keep in mind those state regulations--will you need to pay for standardized tests in the spring?
  2. Ask around or attend a curriculum fair. If you know a homeschool mom, I will bet that she is willing to talk about homeschooling with you. She might have kids your age or she might have kids that have already graduated. She might have a different education philosophy from you, but her perspective will likely still be helpful. One of my good friends chose to do video lessons for her kids because it worked for her family. I was not looking to spend that kind of money on curriculum, but she & I had lots of great conversations about homeschooling. She also was the one that went with me to a curriculum fair. These probably aren't as popular as they once were, but it is really helpful to flip through the physical book that you're looking to order. It can be overwhelming to see all those options, so just keep in mind the type of curriculum you're looking for so you can have a plan. There are also used curriculum sales that could be a really great option. Again, these aren't as common now as they used to be. Ask that homeschool mom that you know & she might have an idea of one in your area. If you go, you might just meet a whole new community who will walk alongside you through this homeschool life!
  3. Narrow it down to your top three. Make a short list of your favorites so that you can limit the time you have to spend on research. Don't let yourself get distracted by others unless it fits your budget & philosophy.
  4. Research online to make your final choice. One of the places that I would visit is Cathy Duffy's website. She pretty much has reviews of all the curriculums. I've also found that YouTube can also be helpful to find channels where homeschool moms are sharing helpful reviews of textbooks & other resources.

Step 4: Stop Overthinking & Purchase!

Maybe this is just me, but I will overthink everything. I will second guess & delay making a decision until I feel like I've exhausted all the websites & read all the blog posts. I am currently shopping for wedding attire for my brother's wedding. I have way too many choices pinned to my Pinterest board. I'm pretty sure that I know which outfits I'll buy for my family, but I keep delaying in case I see another, more beautiful option!

So, go ahead & click checkout! Buy the curriculum & wait for the delivery. Our current curriculum is mostly literature-based, so the deliveries trickle in after I purchase. But some families (or maybe it's just the moms?) get super excited when the big box of curriculum arrives.

Step 5: Get Organized

You don't have to have a Pinterest-worthy homeschool room. You don't have to plan the whole schoolyear in one day. You don't need to schedule every minute of the first day. But you DO need to have a plan. Here are some things I would recommend you do before day one.

  1. Read over the scope & sequence of your new curriculum. Get really familiar with what the overall structure of your schoolyear will look like. Understand where you are heading so that you can communicate to your kids.
  2. Gather the necessary supplies. Do you need to buy a microscope for biology? Do you need to find the novels for a literature course? At the very least, you will probably need pencils (they mysteriously disappear, so buy at least 500).
  3. Designate a space. While we have a room where all of our books & supplies are kept, we usually do school in our living room or at the dining room table. I know we all want a pretty, polished room, but that's just not a reality for most of us. Nor is it a necessity! The home I grew up in was pretty tiny, but we managed to squeeze homeschooling into it. Just by using what you have, you can have more than enough. I've been in numerous homes of homeschooling families & each of them has a unique situation. None of them look alike, but they each have found a was to "make it work!" (Any Tim Gunn/vintage Project Runway fans out there?)
  4. Figure out those first few weeks. I once read about this mystical mother who planned her whole year on a solo retreat to a cabin during the summer. I have yet to meet such a woman in real life, nor am I thinking that this practice is at all necessary or attainable for most of us. Get that first week or 2 mostly scheduled out. Don't get too attached! It will likely all go out the window as you confront real-life situations. Sickness, doctors appointments, travel, field trip opportunities, & ACTUAL HUMAN CHILDREN all have a way of turning out best-laid plans upside down. Hold that schedule loosely, Mama. Give your kids (& yourself) lots of grace.
  5. Decide how your children will know their assignments. Having gone through many iterations of assignment pages, I can tell you that I'm constantly tweaking this. This will look different for you depending on your curriculum & the age of your kids.
  6. Make a first day game plan. If you ask a traditional classroom teacher, you will find that nothing much gets done on day one other than establishing routines & expectations. I kept this in mind for the first time this year & it really seemed to help my kids know what the expectations were. I printed a "1st Day of School" checklist. I included absolutely no actual schoolwork (except some math). It included taking first day pictures, looking over the books they would be reading during that first term, introducing out artist & composer, & a few other small things.

Step 6: Start homeschooling!

You've put in the work. You've researched & purchased. You've organized & possibly laminated something! Now it's time to get started. Pick your start day & bathe your school year in prayer. This is not an easy path, and I'm reminded everyday of how many ways that I could have done better. But God is faithful. His mercies are new every morning & He has lavished us with grace upon grace. With the Holy Spirit teaching you, you can teach your kids.

Bonus Step: Decide when you will get out of the house!

Music lessons, PE, foreign language, art classes--the possibilities are endless! If you are able to find a homeschool community that have formed a co-op, that is a gift! When I first started homeschooling, we didn't participate in any groups. But once we moved, we were able to get plugged in to an active homeschooling community. We joined a co-op where the kids met so many friends & learned from someone else other than Mom. From that group, we were able to meet other families & that has brought so many wonderful opportunities for my kids. Lego robotics, book clubs, park days, field trips, & so much more! Build that community of moms that you can connect with & go on field trips with. Homeschoolers shouldn't stay home all the time, but that doesn't mean you should overschedule your kids either. Find that happy medium, leaving margin for plenty of down time for everyone.

So, are you inspired? Ready to go? Or overwhelmed at this monumental task? If you have any questions, reach out to me or another homeschool mom you know. Also, take a look at our homeschooling day. It could be a practical way to see all of these things lived out quite imperfectly.

Homeschooling has been a gift for our family. We have met so many wonderful families. We are free to watch the kids' cousin whenever her parents need us. We've taken trips during the school year & visited historic sites on less crowded days. We've had margin where my kids can just be kids--playing, creating, laughing, fighting, problem-solving--all without adult intervention!

It is definitely not for everyone & families go through seasons. God is so good to guide us as we make these decisions. I pray that you read this & were able to get clarity on what He might be leading you to do, whether educating in your home or outside of it. Just know that I am always...

Cheering you on!


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