I'm back another monthly installment of book reviews. June was a lot slower of a month & included a week-long family trip to Prince Edward Island. And then another week of family in town, so not quite as much reading as May!
I received this book through The Good Book Company's reviewer program. I was so excited to see a book that was dealing with timely issues that parents are facing right now. My oldest will turn 11 this summer, so we've been having lots of different conversations with him with these very topics - gender, body image, anxiety. Helping him see his identity in Christ first has been a big task & I appreciated the Biblical encouragement offered in this book.
Wow! This is such a good one! Jess combats the lies that the enemy would tell us about our value & continues to bring us back to what God says - He made us "very good." And if we believe that God cannot lie, how should we treat these good bodies? How does it look to feed, move, pamper, rest, dress a good body? I feel like every woman would benefit from reading Jess's book!
Sally Clarkson is such a strong presence in the homeschool community. But, I'd encourage any parent to read this book. Any book has to be read with the caveat that not everything this author says is going to work in my home, and that's why I think this book is great for parents in general. It's basically a memoir of Sally's philosophy in creating a culture of learning in her home. I think families who choose traditional school settings can also benefit from many of her pieces of advice. Afternoon tea as the kids come home from school, reading aloud together as a family, introducing great works of art & music & drama, encouraging individual (screen-free) interests in free time, speaking blessings over your kids, providing character education - all of these are things that every parent could incorporate in their home.
I'm committed to finishing this series now, I guess! It's a fun lighter read in the murder-mystery genre. The series premise is unique (time traveling FBI agent) & the book plot was pretty good. Maybe I'm just more gullible than the average mystery reader, but I was definitely seeing it go a different direction than it went, but now that I know I can see the clues that were dropped. Oh well!
I've been following Sarah Adams for a few years. She writes clean, sweet romances, and this one is no different. The plot's been done before, but the author isn't hiding the fact that she's playing off Roman Holiday. I think the characters & situations are unique enough to keep you wondering how it will turn out (especially if you've seen Roman Holiday). I'm about to read the second book in the series, so I'm obviously interested enough to keep going!
This book was sent to me by The Good Book Company a while ago & I panicked a bit when I found it on my shelf because I realized I hadn't read it yet! It was definitely a helpful read. Sometimes, grief can feel intimidating if you've never walked through it or walked through it differently than a friend has. In this book, Melissa graciously opens up about the loss of a dear friend. She points the process back to the Bible at each step. I can imagine pulling this book off the shelf in the future, whether for my own encouragement or to pass along to a friend in need. (As an added bonus, she shares some parallels to her work at Orchard House, the home of Louisa May Alcott. Can't go wrong with a healthy dose of stories about beloved authors!)
I'm realizing a big difference in my reading habits. I used to read exclusively fiction! But look at all of these non-fiction titles. I think that writing this blog has made me want to absorb all the books I hear about in my research.
How about you? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
Tell me below!
Cheering you on!
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