Today’s post has nothing whatsoever to do with lettering & everything to do with reading. I set a goal for myself to read 50 books this year, and I’m halfway there. So that I’m not going on & on about all the good ones I’ve read this year, I’ll limit myself to a couple novels that have been released so far in 2018.
This one has some twists and turns, let me tell you! A little like The Girl on the Train, you’re not sure you should trust everything the narrator tells you. Anna is struggling with agoraphobia & a drinking problem, but she’s sure she saw something awful happen from her window. An interesting cast of characters come through her home. Little bits of Anna’s past come trickling in as you go. It’s a good one if you’ve enjoyed the recent thrillers that have been so trendy lately. (Oh, and Amy Adams is supposed to star in the upcoming movie adaptation.)
The story follows Tareq as he & his family escape war-torn Syria in hopes of a better, safer life in Europe. With every step of his journey, Tareq opens our eyes to the atrocities that the Syrian refugees are facing on a daily basis. It not only helped me understand the conflict that is raging in that country, but it also put a sharper focus on the plight of refugees around the world. Also by this author is The Secret Sky set in Afghanistan; loved that one too.
I’m always looking for good historical fiction, and this is definitely a good one. Lilia & Paul used to play together as children. Now, Lilia is a passionate advocate for women’s rights in an era when they had none. And Paul is devoted to the Church. They disagree on almost everything (including marriage), and it’s hard to see how they can still be friends. Those differences eventually drive wedges between that that seem insurmountable. If you’re a fan of historical fiction like I am, you’ll enjoy this one.
So, if you’re looking for a good book to bring on your summer vacation, try these 3! And I’m always looking for book recommendations, so send them my way anytime.
Oh, and if you’re on Goodreads, connect with me! I love seeing what everyone is reading.
Cheering you on!
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