September was a bit slower of a month for reading. School & activities are back in full swing, so that doesn't leave much time for extra reading. Even with all of that, I still read a small handful of books.
This practice of writing monthly book posts has been helpful in making me slow down! I'm not reading as quickly, but I feel like I might be retaining a little more than I have in the past.
I really think this would be a great gift for new parents! Maybe not in the early newborn fog. Maybe after the first year or so, they might be able to have a minute or 2 where their brains are able to focus on reading up on how they should set rhythms early in their family discipleship. Filling his book with practical ways to bring the Gospel into your daily life as a family, Early also doesn't pretend to have it all together. He acknowledges that his family is young & that he makes mistakes. He thoughtfully shows how those moments of frustration are the perfect opportunity to connect with your child in humility. This book is a top recommendation for Christian parenting titles from me!
I read this way back in 8th grade English class, & I just re-read it with my oldest son. It dragged a little here & there & nearly lost us along the way. But we stuck with it & he enjoyed the ending. A classic good vs. evil story. A coming-of-age tale. A pirate adventure. If you haven't had a chance to read it, it might be a fun one to listen to with your family.
Another read aloud, this was not our favorite of the Little House books. It was definitely worth the read because it reminded us of the dangerous conditions so many endured to settle areas in the American West. It was a very long winter & the book got pretty repetitive. That was probably her point - the monotonous, never-ending cycle of blizzards, the inability of the trains to get through, the scarcity of food. We have 3 more books in the main series.
Ruth is one of my favorite writers. She is authentic & accessible. She draws the focus not to herself but to God & His Word. This book is no exception. It is very personal in that Ruth shares much of her story, her testimony. How her battle with people-pleasing & perfection left her empty, always wanting more. If you're a striver like me, this book is a refreshing wake-up call! Stop striving! Start resting in God!
Why is a homeschool mom reading a book about family/school partnerships? Well, I currently have the unique (& humbling) opportunity to sit on the school board of the small Christian school at our church. It's a huge learning curve because I didn't grow up going to this school, my kids don't go there, & my husband who did go there graduated almost 20 years ago! So, when I saw this book at our local library book sale, I thought it might be helpful for this new role. While it was largely written with larger, more diverse schools in mind, the authors shared helpful perspectives on what makes a student's experience more successful, how the teachers & parents & administration can best partner in that success.
A couple classics, a few nonfictions - that's all this month.
Have you read anything this month that you think I should read? Please tell me in the comments below!
Cheering you on!
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