August has been full of homeschooling, but we've also managed to squeeze in some fun & relaxation. I can't say that I'm sad to see the days getting shorter & the weather ever so gradually cooling down. I'm not exactly a "pumpkin spice everything" fan, but I am a fan of the season!
"Share Four Somethings" is a monthly link-up with Heather Gerwing. My first time participating was last month. This practice of looking back over the month is a good one & I hope to participate regularly.
I've really loved the chance to do a little more dabbling with watercolor painting these past few weeks. My original goal was gain more experience so that I can better teach my kids, but it's been fun to flex those creative muscles. I've worked through a few beginner-level exercises in the The Joy of Watercolor by Emma Block. And the best part is when the kids all sit down with me instead of asking to watch a TV show at the end of the day.
I've read a handful of books this month so far, but some of the better ones have been these:
A few children's books we've really enjoyed this month have been:
A couple others that I am in the process of reading are:
I think I said family time last month, but I'm going to say it again. This month, we tried harder at taking advantage of the hour or so after dinner. We've set up an obstacle course, played a few games, & waged a Nerf gun war. I know the kids have enjoyed these things because they keep asking to do them again. We're always looking for more ideas, so leave suggestions in the comments!
I also treasured a special chat with my siblings that went way past my bedtime! We all live in different states, have different jobs & families, so having time to chat with just the 3 of us is very rare. We got chatting about our amazing Mom. We looked back on different childhood memories with the perspective that years tend to give. Sometimes it's just good to talk to people that have the same history as you. They already know & can relate & empathize. Not living near family is tougher at some times than others, but I am thankful that we can enjoy time together, even if it's virtually!
Tyler & I are looking forward to taking the kids on some adventures. Between COVID & the humidity & swarms of mosquitos & picking up a summer cold (somehow?) that lasted a whole week, our kids haven't had as many outings as we'd like. So, we are planning to try a few new things this fall. I'm thinking a nice, easy hike (we do have an 18-month-old after all) to get us started & maybe a trip to a place of some significance in history. We haven't taken advantage of all that Maryland has to offer, so we're hoping to remedy that!
I'm also trying to get my older 2 kids more into Charlotte Mason's habit of nature journaling. More time in nature will obviously help with that, too!
OK - your turn? Read any good books this month? Are there things you are looking forward to in the upcoming month?
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