A vast majority of our days tend to be so full that I can't seem to keep up. Choir, gymnastics, snacks, math lessons, read-alouds, errands, did I mention snacks? Many moments, I feel fried & frazzled.
But on those slow days... Oh, that's where the sweet & simple moments can really make it all worth while.
Today, my kids & I spent 30 minutes giggling over "funny animal videos" (Tate's words) on Instagram.
We had finished school & piano practice. We had nowhere in particular to go. So, I indulged their request & we laughed until we cried. Cats scared by toasters, dancing parrots, jumpy monkeys, & cuddly little rabbits. "Save this one!" they say between cackling laughter. Oh yes! I'm going to save this one.
And I am. Saving it all up.
I don't know how long our homeschool journey will last. I don't know if God will lead us away from this path.
But, I am savoring the moments where all 4 of these young people are squished around me. Their laughs.
It's worth all the work, all the questioning looks when we say, "We homeschool." All the self doubt when I wonder if I'm doing enough.
Right now, I'm just thanking God for the gift of this season.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to this precious opportunity to love on my kids. One day, I hope they remember moments like that with fondness. All 6 of us under one roof everyday. What an amazing gift! Thank you, that I get to be the one to learn & live alongside these precious souls. Thank you for entrusting them to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In case you want to laugh with us, here is one reel that cracked us up...
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