I don't know if you know this, but I love books. From devouring those American Girl books in elementary school, I've been a reader. And I'm always looking for new ones that are worth reading. So, I started writing monthly review posts to share what I'm reading & hopefully help give you resources for building your own library or recommend books that might be great gifts.
Which brings us here today. I'm bringing you some of my favorite "mom-ish" books. These aren't necessarily "motherhood" books, although some are. This list is focused on non-fiction titles, so don't expect any novels. So, let's get to the books!
You Are a Theologian: An Invitation to Know & Love God Well by Jen Wilkin & J.T. English
I keep saying how much I love Jen Wilkin's books & teaching. Her love for God's Word & her commitment to encourage women to learn to love the Bible are just so clearly evident in everything she does. She & J.T. English are co-hosts of the Knowing Faith podcast. While this book is still in my unread pile, I feel confident that it would be a quality gift to encourage anyone in their desire to learn more about who God is.
Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship of Him by Amy Gannet
Amy is another lady with a passion for growing Biblical literacy in the Church. She has quite a few great resources where she is working to accomplish that goal. This lovely little book is another great option for an accessible but rich theological book that would make a great gift.
Phylicia is yet another woman who is working to educate others in knowing what they believe & why. Hers is one of those accounts on Instagram that is consistently putting out thoughtful content. This book will be no different, I'm sure!
If you're judging books by covers, this is one that I would just love to read. The cover design & the title & the author name would be enough to get me to buy. Devotional books are always a great gift. They are usually beautifully designed. And this one is theologically-rich instead of the usual fluff that some daily devotions give you.
I read this book recently & it was just so helpful. The authors are mother & daughter, so they are looking at motherhood from different perspectives. Motherhood is hard & you fail more often than you care to think about. But God's grace meets us even in those low points. Each day's reading is short enough to do in those little margin moments of our days. Yet even those short thoughts are packed with Gospel truth to preach to yourself throughout the day.
He Is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak by Emily A. Jensen
Emily is a co-founder of Risen Motherhood, a ministry that centers motherhood around the Gospel. I haven't had a chance to read this book yet, but I know it will be an enriching gift to give your mom. And the cover design is beautiful, too!
Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments by Emily A. Jensen & Laura Wifler
A book that I've had on my shelf & referred back to over the years, this book is a must for Gospel-minded moms. If you're seeking to apply the Gospel to your life in tangible ways, get this book. Emily & Laura have a wonderful ministry of helping moms do just that!
The End of Me: Finding Resurrection Life in the Daily Sacrifices of Motherhood by Liz Wan
Such an helpful, edifying book! I read this fairly recently & the author does a beautiful job of pointing your heart to the help available to us in God. We don't do this job alone or in our own strength. If we are born again, we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us & empowering us to serve our families well.
Sally has a few motherhood books, so this is just one to choose from. She has such a humble, sweet persona & is so well-respected in the homeschooling community. Her love & admiration for her children & dedication to their spiritual growth are inspiring.
I just preordered this new one from the Risen Motherhood co-founders. It looks like another helpful resource for moms in the trenches, but I'm sure it will also have applications to those at any stage. It also has a workbook available to accompany it.
The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible by Tara-Leigh Cobble
Host of the widely-popular podcast of the same name, Tara-Leigh Cobble has an energetic, highly-contagious love for the Word of God. Her efforts have turned into quite the movement of people who are opening up their Bibles & digging into what it says. Her work is both approachable for the new Bible readers & deep for those who have been reading for years. A great resource!
Come to Jesus: What if God Designs Your Days to Keep You Running Back to Him? by Christa Threlfall
This powerful little book just happens to be written by my pastor's wife. I can tell you that she lives out what she writes. With candid testimony from her own life, she points her reader back to Jesus at every page. It's a quick read that challenges & encourages.
Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You're Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More by Ruth Chou Simons
I recently read this book, & I had to include it here. Ruth Chou Simons does such a good job of grounding us in Biblical truth in her writing. This book is no different. Another great gift option for your mom or mom-friend!
Tuck any of these books into a basket with some of your Mom's favorite chocolates or a gift card to her favorite coffee shop. Maybe a cozy blanket & a candle. Or a few of them tied together with a pretty ribbon & include some pens & a notebook.
If you're looking for other Mom gift ideas, head over to this post highlighting some small businesses.
Cheering you on!
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