Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
There is so much in this world that just seems to cloud our vision with dust, isn't there? Politics, natural disasters, wars, sickness, poverty - the list is endless. All of that ugliness can bog us down.
Beauty in art is definitely a gift that can lead us to look at the Original Artist & Creator. Our Great God. It clears our sight & lifts our focus upward to Him.
Cultivating a love for art & creativity is a big priority in mothering my kids, so I try to have a steady diet of reading, hearing, & seeing beautiful things that I can then share with my kids. (This might be one of the Charlotte Mason ideals that I actually feel like I can do with any consistency.)
One way I do that is by following some artists who are creating beautiful things & sharing them on Instagram! I know - social media isn't always the most encouraging, uplifting place. But we can tune our newsfeeds to a place for things that are true, good, & lovely.
Here are a few of my favorites!
Elizabeth has painted watercolor illustrations & maps of some of your favorite places - real & fictional! The attention to detail is exquisite. You're bound to find something that would be perfect in your home.
The pieces Riley creates are so imaginative - patterns & layers & all kinds of creativity! I've just recently happened across her account & have really enjoyed seeing her process videos.
I always wish I could take a ceramics class, but until I get around to doing that, I just keep following accounts like this one. The pieces created at Wheel House are different from many I've seen. The shapes & glazes - all of it is simply beautiful. Also, the iced coffee cups - I might try to grab one on her next round of orders!
Emily Lex is probably pretty well-known to most of us, but in case you haven't heard of her, I wanted to include her here. Her style is so fresh & bright. She's also the author of Freely & Lightly & one of my daughter's favorites, Twirl.
Not only do you get beautiful art when you follow this account, but you also get simple tutorials that are so easy to follow. She makes her own watercolors, too!
Patsy's florals are just so unique! She also does some wood block designs that are incredible. Her faith is woven throughout her work & it's so refreshing.
I hope these accounts bring a little more art & beauty to your day! An added bonus is that you can buy pieces directly from these artists & they make great gifts or additions to your own home.
If you're like me & you want to nurture the artistic sides of your family, check out this post! And here are some YouTube channels to try, too.
Cheering you on!
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